Daring Amateurs
THIS IS AN ADULT WEBSITE! It contains adult material, including images depicting hardcore sexual situations. This material is for consenting adults only, who agree to enter this site under the conditions outline below. By entering this site, you are accepting the agreement below. By accepting this agreement, I certify the following: 1) I do not find images of nude adults, adults engaged in sexual acts, or other sexual material to be offensive or objectionable. 2) I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal right to possess adult material in my community, city, province, state, and / or country. 3) I understand the standards and laws of the community, site and computer to which I am transporting this material, and am solely responsible for my actions. 4) I am not, nor have I ever been employed by a law enforcement agency. 5) I will not attempt to bypass any security and/or access feature at this site. 6) If I use these services in violation of the above agreement, I understand I may be in violation of local and/or federal laws and am solely responsible for my actions. 7) I agree that the operators of this site are not causing any material to be transported, rather my choice to enter this site causes the transport of the material. I am paying for or have contracted for internet service, and I am responsible for all content that I choose to transport. Without my actions, no material would be transported. Such transport occurs solely at my direction, and I accept full legal resonsibility for my actions. 8) Bookmarking to a page on this server/site whereby this warning page is bypassed shall constitute an implicit acceptance of the foregoing terms herein set forth. 9) I agree to not copy, redistribute, or otherwise share or market the materials on this website. I will not show or provide access to this material to minors or to others who may not legally view it.